Delivery FAQs

Where do you ship to?
We deliver all over the world, but if you have any concerns about delivery to your address
My order has not arrived, where is it?
Firstly, please check the tracking information you received from us when your order was shipped. If the tracking has not been updated for more than 7 business days then please contact or Contact Us for assistance.
How much is shipping?
Please refer to our Delivery Page for information on our delivery options and their prices.
Can I change my delivery address?
If you have selected the wrong delivery address from your address book or would like to change the delivery address for your order after it has been placed, please email or Contact Us immediately. Depending...
I have received a notification to say my order has been shipped, when will I receive it?
Please refer to our Delivery Page for suggested time scales on your chosen delivery service.
Can I upgrade to a faster delivery option?
Please refer to our Delivery Page for information on our delivery options and their prices.
Can I add delivery instructions to my order?
Unfortunately we cannot add any delivery instructions to your order. Our carriers, and their agents where applicable, will not guarantee to meet specific instructions and we are unable to pass them on. If you are unable to accept deliveries for any reason...
Why have I only received part of my order?
For some orders it may be necessary for us to split your order into multiple deliveries. If this has been the case with your order you will be informed by email and it will also be detailed on the delivery note enclosed...
I'm a customer in Europe, can I prepay my import duty/taxes?
We're currently working on making this option available to speed up your shipment time
How do I track my order?
Any tracking information available for your order will be emailed to you when the parcel has been shipped. It will also be available to view by checking your order history when logged into your account on our website.